Aviation, has historically been dominated by men since their masculinity is dictated to be a certain industry profession and shaped as a wartime hero transcending impossible odds. Despite a smaller...
Imagine being above the ground, steering a helicopter all by yourself! For VAA students at Barcelona Flight School, this dream became a reality. As embarking on their first thrilling solo...
Becoming a skilled and capable pilot requires much more than just operating an aircraft. Being an aviator means mastering a diverse set of skills to ensure safe flights. Here are...
The Heartbeat of Aviation: Safety. Dive into the critical role safety measures play in aviation, shaping the industry’s stringent protocols and ensuring every flight is as secure as possible. The...
ICAO Level 4 refers to the Language Proficiency Rating established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). ICAO requires pilots, air traffic controllers, and aeronautical station operators involved in international...
From the exhilarating first solo flight to the challenges of earning certifications. Together, we will unravel the path to becoming a pilot and note essential tips for success. Embarking on...
A solo flight refers to the operation of an aircraft by a pilot without any passengers or other individuals on board. It is an important milestone in pilot training, especially...
We embark on the evolution of aviation, tracing its route from the pioneering days of the Wright Brothers to the marvels of supersonic travel. Join us as we uncover the...
On the 45th anniversary of its founding, the Vietnam Aviation Academy (March 24, 1979 – March 24, 2024) held a grand ceremony to mark its journey of growth and development...
Drones are renowned for their agility, speed, impressive acceleration, and manoeuvrability. Making them ideal for tasks such as aerial surveying and photography. In the field of engineering, drones are gaining...